Article snippet: (Want to get this briefing by email? Here’s the sign-up.) Good morning. Here’s what you need to know: • A botched attack in Brussels. A man detonated a bomb in the Belgian capital’s Central train station, in what the authorities called a terrorist act. A prosecutor’s spokeswoman said the suspect had been killed. No one else was hurt, and the explosion caused little damage. The recent attacks in Europe and elsewhere have unsettled some travelers. Here are some suggestions for going abroad in uncertain times. _____ • “He was a nut job.” That’s a former co-worker describing Darren Osborne, the man believed to have driven a van into a crowd of Muslims as they finished prayers in London on Monday. His neighbors in Cardiff, the Welsh capital, and other acquaintances described him to our reporter as a troubled man, belligerent and aggressive. _____ • Follow Maj. Sajjad al-Hour, above, a 33-year-old Iraqi commander, as he leads soldiers through the streets of Mosul to fight the Islamic State in this documentary. Our videographer was embedded with his unit on the front lines for three weeks. _____ • In France, two additional cabinet members, François Bayrou, above, and Marielle de Sarnez, said they would leave their posts amid accusations that they used European funds to benefit their French party. Two other ministers, Sylvie Goulard and Richard Ferrand, had previously announced their departure. All deny wrongdoing. Meanwhile in Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel told busi... Link to the full article to read more