Article snippet: Sen. MORE (I-Vt.) said that it is “unprecedented” in the history of modern America for legislation as massive as the GOP healthcare overhaul to be written and discussed entirely behind closed doors without any input from the minority party. “We’re talking about, in terms of healthcare, one sixth of the American economy — trillions of dollars,” Sanders told MSNBC Monday night, shortly after speaking against the bill on the Senate floor. “We’re talking about an issue that impacts virtually every single American in our country." “In the midst of all of this, you have a process by which right now perhaps a dozen Republicans are the only people in America who know what is being talked about, what the new bill might look like,” Sanders said. “Most Republicans don’t even know it, let alone anybody in the Democratic Caucus.” Sanders pledged to "do everything humanly and legally possible" to make sure the GOP bill "never sees the light of day." The Hill 1625 K Street, NW Suite 900 Washington DC 20006 | 202-628-8500 tel | 202-628-8503 fax The contents of this site are ©2017 Capitol Hill Publishing Corp., a subsidiary of News Communications, Inc. Link to the full article to read more