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Trump is not under investigation for obstruction, his lawyer says - The Boston Globe

posted onJune 19, 2017

Article snippet: Most popular on Based on what you've read recently, you might be interested in theses stories WASHINGTON — A member of President Trump’s legal team said Sunday that the president is not under investigation by the special counsel looking into Russia’s election-year meddling, contradicting Trump’s assertion in a Friday morning tweet that he is a subject of the widening inquiry. The denial Sunday by Jay Sekulow, one of several personal lawyers Trump has hired to represent him in the Russia case, is the latest of many examples in which the president’s aides and lawyers have scrambled to avert a public-relations mess created by Trump’s tweets, off-script remarks, or leaked private conversations. Advisers have been forced to perform post-presidential cleanup in the wake of Trump’s tweets and comments. They include a claim he had been wiretapped by the Obama administration, his Oval Office remarks to Russian diplomats about the former FBI director, his private musings about the possibility of firing the Russia special counsel, his claim that there are recordings of White House conversations, and his comments about a “military” deportation operation. In Sekulow’s case, his appearance on multiple Sunday morning talk shows took on the added urgency of trying to protect his client from admitting that he is in legal jeopardy during a criminal investigation, one that appears to be increasingly focused on whether Trump took steps to interfere with the ... Link to the full article to read more

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