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WOW - The #FreeLaura Hashtag Warriors Deliver Some of the DUMBEST Takes on Free Speech

posted onJune 18, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 7:30 pm on June 17, 2017 by Jim Jamitis Earlier today Jay Caruso wrote about the Trumper snowflakes that had to disrupt a play because they didn’t like its content. In the age of Trump there are more and more “conservatives” who think the best way to advance conservatism is to act like crybaby leftists. It goes without saying that a play depicting the assassination of a sitting president is over the top, offensive, and possibly an incitement to violence. Basically it’s a very leftist thing to do. As is the #FreeLaura hashtag activism currently spreading stupid all over Twitter. There’s nothing wrong with protesting a play you don’t like. Disrupting it as it’s taking place is a juvenile stunt that would be mocked mercilessly by most Trumpers if it the political roles were reversed. What’s demented is people acting exactly like the enemy they claim to be fighting and thinking they aren’t hypocrites. Didn’t we all just get done beating a dead horse about how protesters silencing speech they find offensive is bad? Clearly there are people on the right who think what the conservative movement really needs is a massive injection of Orwellian doublethink. That’s like saying someone bursting into a Catholic Mass and shouting Jack Chick style conspiracy theories is just exercising the same freedom of religion as the priest. Setting fire to a newsstand isn’t freedom of the press. If you want to engage in the same freedom of speech as the play performers, p... Link to the full article to read more

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