Article snippet: Posted at 11:30 pm on June 15, 2017 by Joe Cunningham On a day when the people of Congress were to stand together to show the world that tragedy won’t completely tear them apart, congressional staffers could not keep their cool for just one baseball game. Via the Washington Times: Over the last day and a half, members of Congress and even the President stood together with messages of support for not only Steve Scalise, who was one of five injured in an apparently politically-motivated shooting yesterday morning, but with the nation. The idea was that we can overcome negative rhetoric in times of crisis and stand with one another. To the President’s credit, his message both yesterday and today was a message of unity. But that didn’t stop congressional staffers from behaving like children. This is absolute foolishness, childishness, and despicable behavior. Link to the full article to read more
So Much For Unity: Congressional Staffers Boo Trump at Baseball Game