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Trump Administration Investigates Ban on Christmas Decorations at HUD Complex

posted onDecember 24, 2019

Article snippet: The Trump administration has launched an investigation into the management company of a Missouri 55-and-older housing development for its ban on Christmas lights and yard displays. Non-profit litigation organization Liberty Counsel reports officials with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) are investigating MACO Management Company’s ban on Christmas lights and décor displays at Grandview Estates, a housing development that is subsidized by HUD. According to the report, MACO Management barred residents of the complex from decorating the exterior of their duplexes with Christmas lights or other displays. “Nothing in the lease agreement or regulations supported such a ban and residents have previously displayed Christmas lights and yard decorations for many years,” states Liberty Counsel, which recently sent a demand letter to the management company on behalf of Grandview Estates’ residents. The letter notes residents were told the “rationale” for the Christmas light and decoration ban is that, because all residents are funded, in part, by government funds, the Government’s Fair Housing rules must apply. To that end, even the display of Christmas wreaths is forbidden, though the manager did hold a “Holiday Wreath contest.” Liberty Counsel reports MACO Management responded to the demand letter with its own letter, signed by Tammy Delcour, regional manager of MACO Management, who cited the company’s own rules and regulations but failed to cite a... Link to the full article to read more

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