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New York Times Resurrects Ugly Lie From 2011 In Editorial About Steve Scalise Shooting

posted onJune 15, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 4:00 am on June 15, 2017 by Joe Cunningham In an editorial that was as predictable in its point as it was just sad, the New York Times used the shooting of House Majority Whip Steve Scalise to once again call for gun control. However, that is not the controversy generated by their column – it was, as I said, predictable. No, the scandal here is that the New York Times used a debunked myth or, rather, a straight-up, disproven lie to make the case that political rhetoric is a problem on both sides of the political aisle. In 2011, the media, including the New York Times, was quick to jump on Palin’s graphic as the cause for Loughner’s rampage. The only problem is that Loughner was not a conservative seeking to stop a liberal agenda. He was a crazed leftist who was upset that Giffords would not take his calls. It was proven virtually immediately after the media tried to tie the shooting to the Tea Party. No one disputed this, and the media dropped it. Not content with just mentioning the lie again as truth, the Times doubles down mere sentences later. Again, and I don’t know how many times it must be said: There was no direct incitement in the Giffords attack. The man was no disciple of Sarah Palin, nor was he even a conservative. It is a lie through-and-through. If the New York Times would like to look at more evidence of political rhetoric causing devastating tragedies they can look no further than the crazed liberal who attempted to shoot up the Fam... Link to the full article to read more

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