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A new Warren surrogate gingerly takes the stage: ‘Hi, I’m Elizabeth’s husband’ - The Boston Globe

posted onDecember 14, 2019

Article snippet: NASHUA, N.H. — He wryly admitted to being a poor substitute for his wife. He warned that his golden retriever, Bailey, might jump on the assembled volunteers. And he seemed almost embarrassed by the lengthy introduction that preceded his own remarks. This week, Senator Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign rolled out a new and exceedingly low-key surrogate: her husband, Bruce Mann, who up until now has been more likely to be folding chairs after a Warren event than taking the microphone to kick one off. “I usually just go up to people and say, ‘Hi, I’m Elizabeth’s husband,’ ” he told the group of a dozen or so volunteers and staffers before a phone bank in a windowless Warren campaign field office space. “It saves time, it gets to the point, and is a quick explanation of why this strange man wants to shake your hand.” With a wide-brimmed hat on his head and leash in hand, Mann ventured to Nashua on Tuesday without the senator, headlining a campaign event for the first time since his wife began running for president almost a year ago. He’ll appear at two more New Hampshire events Saturday. The move comes as Warren’s campaign seeks to showcase her personality and reinvigorate her polling numbers, marking a new phase that could push Mann, a soft-spoken scholar of American legal history, into the spotlight. But he took care to minimize his campaign role in an interview with the Globe. “I’m her husband — that’s really about it,” Mann said. “I mean, other than staf... Link to the full article to read more

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