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John Kerry endorses Joe Biden, saying US ‘desperately needs [him] right now’ - The Boston Globe

posted onDecember 6, 2019

Article snippet: Former secretary of state John F. Kerry, the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee, endorsed Joe Biden for president Thursday, saying the former vice president is the leader the country “desperately needs right now.” Citing his long friendship with Biden, Kerry said in a statement, “I’ve never before seen the world more in need of someone who on day one can begin the incredibly hard work of putting back together the world Donald Trump has smashed apart.” In an interview with the Globe, Kerry elaborated that in 40 years of friendship, “I’ve seen his strength, seen his vision, seen him work with and make friends with critical allies around the world.” Seeing world leaders underscored for Kerry that America’s standing in the world is damaged, “not just our politics,” Kerry said. “We need someone who can absolutely beat Trump,” which Kerry is convinced Biden can do, he said. And then once he gets the job, Biden can bring to the table a set of relationships and experiences that can more quickly restore “America’s role of global leadership” than any other candidate. Kerry is expected to catch up with Biden on Friday as he barnstorms through Iowa on his eight-day “No Malarkey” campaign bus tour, then join him in New Hampshire on Sunday. Kerry won the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary in 2004. On the trail, after seeing a recent dip in Iowa polls, Biden has pointed to Kerry’s 2004 come-from-behind primary win in the state as a victory that Biden could potential... Link to the full article to read more

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