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Kobach: Dems 'Say Out Loud' Intent to Turn U.S. Blue via Immigration

posted onDecember 3, 2019

Article snippet: Former Kansas Secretary of State and United States Senate candidate Kris Kobach says the political left is now quite honest about their longheld intent to turn the nation blue through mass legal immigration. During an exclusive interview with host Alex Marlow on SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Daily, Kobach said in the past Democrats would only talk behind closed doors about their efforts to transform the nation state-by-state through immigration, but that today they are honest about the plan. LISTEN: “I think there are also many people on the left who are more politically motivated who say out loud that they want people to come into the United States who are more likely to become dependent on the welfare quickly because they want them to become Democrat voters,” Kobach said. “And that used to be something that was once whispered, they now say it out loud.” Indeed, 2020 Democrat presidential primary candidate Julian Castro readily admitted last year that the current importation of about 1.2 million legal immigrants every year would help turn Texas blue. In states like Virginia — where Democrats now control all of state government — the foreign-born population has grown more than 250 percent since 1990. In 1990, Virginia was home to less than 312,000 foreign-born residents. Today, there are close to 1.1 million, almost four times what the population was three decades before. Like Virginia, similar regions that were once solidly Republican have been handed over ... Link to the full article to read more

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