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Economy, Consumer Confidence Drive 55 Million Americans' Travel Plans

posted onNovember 28, 2019

Article snippet: AAA Travel also reported on data from INRIX, a global transportation analytics company, which said the worst time to travel by car is Wednesday afternoon, with trips taking as much as four times longer than normal. Paula Twidale, vice president of AAA Travel, said in a press release about holiday travel: Here’s AAA Travel’s Thanksgiving travel by the numbers:  AAA also reported on lower gas prices and the number of people who will require roadside assistance while traveling: AAA reported that the most popular places as winter sets in are getaways to warm places, including California, Florida, Arizona and Hawaii. New York City is also a popular Thanksgiving destination. “AAA’s projections are based on economic forecasting and research by IHS Markit, a London-based business information provider,” AAA reported on its forecast methodology. “For the purposes of this forecast, the Thanksgiving holiday travel period is defined as the five-day period from Wednesday, Nov. 27 to Sunday, Dec. 1.” Follow Penny Starr on Twitter Link to the full article to read more

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