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Who could fire special counsel Robert Mueller - ABC News

posted onJune 15, 2017

Article snippet: Speculation is swirling about whether President Donald Trump will remove special counsel Robert Mueller from his post. Mueller, a former FBI director, was appointed on May 17 and is tasked with investigating Russian interference in last year's presidential election and if associates of the Trump campaign colluded with Russian officials. Despite the speculation, Principal Deputy White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters Tuesday that "while the president has the right to [fire Mueller], he has no intention to do so." However, a close confidante of Trump's said Mueller's ousting is under consideration. Chris Ruddy, an ABC News contributor and a longtime friend of Trump and the CEO of the conservative media company Newsmax, first told PBS in an interview Monday that the president is “considering, perhaps, terminating the special counsel, he’s weighing that option." Ruddy told ABC News that he stands by his comments that the president is considering asking Rosenstein to terminate Mueller. “Trump is definitely considering it ... it’s not something that’s being dismissed,” Ruddy said. The revelation came after Ruddy was at the White House on Monday for a meeting with Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. According to a senior White House aide, there are no private conversations taking place about firing Mueller, and a White House spokesperson said Ruddy "speaks for himself." Federal regulation states that the termination of a special c... Link to the full article to read more

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