Article snippet: New polling showing public opposition to impeachment has some Republicans along with officials in the White House voicing skepticism that Speaker MORE (D-Calif.) will go through with a vote on articles of impeachment. Even MORE, while insisting he wanted an impeachment trial, predicted Friday that Pelosi would not go through with impeachment. “No, I don’t expect it,” he said in an interview on “Fox & Friends.” “I think it’s very hard for them to impeach you when they have absolutely nothing,” he added. While Pelosi has not guaranteed there will be a vote, it’s hard to imagine she would risk a backlash from the Democratic base by cutting the process short after two weeks of public hearings. Many Democrats saw the hearings as providing damning testimony against Trump. A House Democratic leadership aide called it “fantasy land” to think there won’t be a vote on the House floor. “The hearings were nearly flawless and extremely damning for the president,” said the aide, who added that a decision to not go forward would be trumpeted by the president. “While no decision has been made to proceed with impeachment, the key facts are uncontested and not proceeding at this stage will be called a ‘total exoneration’ by the president,” the aide said. Polling released last week showed rising opposition to impeachment. A new national poll from Emerson College showed that support for impeachment has slipped since October, when 48 percent of registered voters supported it and ... Link to the full article to read more
Trump, GOP skeptical Pelosi will go through with impeachment | TheHill