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Impeachment hearings don't move needle with Senate GOP | TheHill

posted onNovember 18, 2019

Article snippet: Senate Republicans say the first week of House impeachment hearings hasn't moved the needle in their conference and question whether the proceedings consuming Washington have much traction outside the Beltway. Sen. MORE (R-Alaska), a moderate swing vote in the upper chamber, for example, say their constituents aren’t even closely following the impeachment proceedings. Although it is becoming increasingly clear that MORE, the bottom line for Republicans is that it doesn’t reach the threshold to remove President Trump from office.  “I just don’t think that a lot of my constituents are paying that much attention to it because they’ve got lives to lead and other important things to do,” Cornyn said. “I think Washington being a hotbed of politics everybody here is obsessed with it but I don’t think the rest of the country is obsessed with it,” he added. While the witnesses — all career government officials — have offered credible, detailed testimony, the hearings have made for less than gripping television, especially as the chairman and ranking Republican worked their way down the committee dais to give all of their colleagues a chance to ask questions in a process that took hours. The testimony has provided some new revelations, such as acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor’s recounting a phone call between President Trump and Ambassador to the European Union MORE in which Trump was overheard asking about investigations. But many of the main points of the... Link to the full article to read more

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