Article snippet: Bloomberg -- At campaign events this week in the Carolinas, Elizabeth Warren refused to engage rivals Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg as they depict her as a divisive and condescending elitist. But she and her supporters see a dollop of sexism in the criticism. After Biden, the former vice president, accused Warren of pushing an “angry unyielding viewpoint,” Warren sent a fund-raising email to supporters Friday with the subject line: “I am angry and I own it.” “Over and over, we are told that women are not allowed to be angry. It makes us unattractive to powerful men who want us to be quiet,” Warren wrote, without mentioning Biden by name. The accusation reflects how some Warren supporters feel amid a onslaught from Biden and Buttigieg — sparked by a debate over her Medicare for All financing plan — that appears to have blunted her rise in the polls. The attacks come at a moment when many voters are making up their minds ahead of the first contest in Iowa, and are a test of Warren’s resilience after she avoided combat with Democratic rivals for most of the year. “I think that’s just very sexist,” Peggy Mormann, who’s based in Raleigh, said of the critique of Warren as angry and condescending. “They realize she’s a huge threat to them.” Maytee Sanz, a construction worker in Charlotte, said: “That happens when women lead. Men are afraid of strong women.” The criticisms may be working. A study by FiveThirtyEight found Warren has dipped in the polls by an average of 1.... Link to the full article to read more
‘I am angry and I own it’: Elizabeth Warren ignores Biden, implies sexism in fund-raising note - The Boston Globe