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White House doubles down on 'no quid pro quo' | TheHill

posted onNovember 7, 2019

Article snippet: The White House is doubling down on its insistence that there was no quid pro quo in MORE. White House aides have seized on select portions of testimony from officials they see as bolstering their claims, while questioning the credibility of those who have described in closed-door depositions with House investigators an alleged quid pro quo related to Ukraine. “The transcripts that were released ... show exactly what the president has been saying all along, and that is that he did nothing wrong and there was no quid pro quo,” press secretary MORE said Tuesday night on Fox Business Network. “These transcripts are actually ... good for the president,” she added. The refusal to concede any shred of evidence may be problematic reflects the difficulties of defending Trump, who is loathe to admit any kind of mistake. It also comes at a time when Republicans are struggling to coalesce around an impeachment strategy, prompting some lawmakers to mull whether to acknowledge a quid pro quo took place but stress that it wouldn’t be impeachable. The White House in recent weeks has urged congressional Republicans to defend Trump on substance rather than their grievances with the House impeachment inquiry as they seek to get GOP allies in line. Trump met with nine GOP senators at the White House last week, when impeachment was discussed. Vice President Pence met with Senate Republicans for lunch on Tuesday and encouraged them to echo Trump's position that he did nothing wrong. ... Link to the full article to read more

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