Article snippet: Sen. MORE’s contacts with Ukraine, leading to the House's impeachment inquiry. Paul, speaking in his home state at a Trump campaign rally, referenced unconfirmed reports in conservative media that the whistleblower worked for former Vice President MORE, questioning the person’s credibility. “We also now know the name of the whistleblower. The whistleblower needs to come forward as a material witness because he worked for Joe Biden at the same time Hunter Biden was getting money from corrupt oligarchs,” Paul said at the rally after Trump invited him onstage. “I say tonight to the media, do your job and print his name,” Paul told the crowd to loud cheers. The whistleblower is subject to federal protections against retaliation under the law; his attorneys have been negotiating with Congress about an agreement for possible testimony that would protect the individual's identity. In a statement to The Hill, Mark Zaid, the whistleblower’s attorney, suggested Paul was "betray[ing] the interests of the Constitution and the American people" by calling for the whistleblower to be unmasked. “A member of Congress who calls for the identity of any lawful whistleblower to be publicly revealed against their wishes disgraces the office they hold and betrays the interests of the Constitution and the American people,” Zaid said. Paul encouraged Republicans in Congress to more vociferously defend Trump against House Democrats’ fast-moving impeachment inquiry, which is centered on a... Link to the full article to read more
Rand Paul demands media print whistleblower's name | TheHill