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Trump Rips Joe Biden Gaffes: 'Sleepy Joe, Get Off the Damn Stage'

posted onNovember 5, 2019

Article snippet: During his political rally in Kentucky, President Trump imitated Biden campaign “handlers” yelling at him for all of his political gaffes, such as when Biden said he loved being in Ohio, when he was in Iowa. “They say, ‘Damn it, he should have left sooner,’ … they told him, ‘Get off the stage, Sleepy Joe. Sleepy Joe, Get off the damn stage,” Trump said as the crowd cheered. Trump referred to Biden’s history of gaffes and his nervous demeanor while on the campaign trail. “They have him all freaked out because he makes a mistake every time he speaks,” Trump said. He reminded voters that Biden said that China was not a threat to the United States, after allowing the communist country to commit economic”piracy and plunder” against the United States when he was vice president. Trump also reminded his supporters that Hunter Biden secured a $1.5 billion investment for his firm from the state-owned Bank of China in 2014, just days after visiting the country with his father while Biden was Vice President. “He’ll make millions and millions on that,” Trump said, referring to the investment, and added, “The Bidens got rich while America got robbed.” The president again said that Chinese leaders would love to see Biden become the next president, so they could make an easier deal with the United States. “This is what China would love more than anything else,” Trump said. “It’s not going to happen, folks, because we can’t let our country go back to hell. We can’t do it, we can’... Link to the full article to read more

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