Article snippet: Democratic leadership on Sunday offered reassurances that the public phase of the impeachment inquiry would begin soon, while Republican allies of MORE used their appearances on several Sunday morning shows to hammer what they say is an unfair process. House Majority Leader MORE (D-Md.) said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that open hearings were forthcoming but added that he could not commit to a specific timeline, as the process depends on what facts the probe uncovered. “When [House Intelligence Committee Chairman] MORE [D-Calif.] is determined that he is through what he needs to have in terms of testimony and evidence, he will then, pursuant to the resolution, submit it to the Judiciary Committee, and the Judiciary Committee will proceed in a manner giving the rights to the president and to the Republicans that exceed, frankly, the rights that were available to the minority” during former President Clinton's impeachment, Hoyer said. Rep. MORE (D-Calif.) said transcripts from the closed-door hearings three House committees have been conducting would likely be released in the next week. “I also think the transcripts are going to start to be released next week, and that’s going to give the American people an eye on exactly what we have heard, and what we have heard is growing evidence of grounds for impeachment,” Speier said on CBS’s “Face the Nation." “I don’t know if they’re all going to be released on the same day, but they’re going to be very telling to the Ameri... Link to the full article to read more