Article snippet: DAVENPORT, Iowa — If Senator Elizabeth Warren thought Medicare for All would quiet her critics and rivals, that plan didn’t work. As Warren and other Democratic presidential candidates descended on Iowa this past weekend, the attacks came flying at her. Former vice president Joe Biden’s campaign suggested she is dishonest. Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind., questioned her math. And even Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who has long refrained from attacking her, said his own plan to fund Medicare for All is more progressive. Warren holds a slim lead here in the first caucus state, according to a recent New York Times/Siena College poll. But as the biggest weekend of Iowa’s fall campaign season drew to a close, it was clear she will have to fight a two-front battle to hold onto that lead, with Sanders showing a new willingness to knock her from the left and Biden and Buttigieg laying into her from their more moderate positions. Well aware of those threats, Warren responded more directly to her rivals after weeks of trying to hover above the fray, calling out Biden by name and retooling the end of her stump speech to address lingering questions about her electability. “There are people who will just as easily give up on a big idea and sound oh so smart and oh so sophisticated,” Warren said in a high school gymnasium Sunday, offering a sharpened defense of a candidacy that is betting bold policy ideas will turn out new voters. But going on the offense may not ... Link to the full article to read more
Now facing a two-front battle on Medicare for All, Elizabeth Warren hits back - The Boston Globe