Article snippet: As the evidence mounts of a quid pro quo in MORE's dealings with Ukraine, the president's allies in Congress are increasingly hopeful they’ll find exoneration in a singular figure: the government whistleblower they're fighting to expose. The clash over the whistleblower's identity — and that person’s right to anonymity — has emerged as a frontline battle in the partisan war over the Trump impeachment inquiry. Republicans on Capitol Hill contend that knowing the whistleblower’s identity is vital to the process, granting Trump the right to face his accuser — and learn of any political biases the figure might have. They are effectively waging a whisper campaign about the identity of the anonymous figure who filed the complaint triggering the inquiry launched just six weeks ago. Democrats counter that the GOP efforts to out the whistleblower violate federal law and are a dangerous game that could jeopardize the safety of the individual. “The president's allies would like nothing better than to help the president out this whistleblower. Our committee will not be a part of that,” Intelligence Chairman MORE (D-Calif.) said earlier in the week. “They have the right to remain anonymous. They certainly should not be subject to these kinds of vicious attacks.” Democrats and the whistleblower’s attorney also note that other witnesses testifying in the investigation have confirmed allegations in the person’s initial complaint. Some have even offered new information that goes ... Link to the full article to read more
GOP argues whistleblower's name must be public | TheHill