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GOP Sen. Mike Lee to Renew Push for College Job Giveaway Bill

posted onNovember 1, 2019

Article snippet: All GOP Senators are expected to stay silent while Lee pushes his bill that rewards roughly 300,000 of India’s contract workers in the United States with a fast track to citizenship. Silicon Valley investors back his bill, which also allows companies to annually pay 60,000 of India’s contract workers — plus 60,000 family members — with government-provided green cards after they take jobs from American graduates. Existing “country caps” set an annual limit of 20,000 on the number of cards that can be provided by employers to Indian visa workers. Democrat Sen. Dick Durbin is expected to save American graduates from Lee’s bill by denying Lee’s request for a “Unanimous Consent” approval. This is Lee’s fifth attempt to pass his jobs giveaway bill. But Durbin is blocking Lee’s bill because he wants to pass an even bigger giveaway that would reward roughly 240,000 Indian workers and family members each year with green cards, providing they take jobs from American graduates. Durbin’s giveaway bill, dubbed the RELIEF Act, is based on the 1960s claim that America is a “nation of immigrants,” not a normal nation of citizens and their children. On Wednesday, Durbin tried to pass his RELIEF Act by the Unanimous Consent process. But his request was blocked by GOP Sen. John Thune, South Dakota. “The legislation to which the Senator from Illinois has referred, Senator Lee’s bill, he’s not able to be here to object and so on his behalf, I object,” said Thune, who did not criticiz... Link to the full article to read more

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