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The Memo: ISIS leader's death is no game-changer for Trump | TheHill

posted onOctober 29, 2019

Article snippet: MORE scored a significant success with the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on Saturday. But political experts on both sides of the partisan divide say it is unlikely to reshape his domestic fortunes. Even Republicans accept that the death of al-Baghdadi, who reportedly blew himself up while being pursued by American forces, is of lesser importance than the 2011 killing of al Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden during former President Obama’s tenure. “This is much different from Osama bin Laden because everyone knew who the terrorist was,” said one GOP strategist with ties to the White House. “Not a lot of people know who the leader of ISIS is.” Another Republican strategist, Dan Judy, said that it was important to acknowledge the importance of al-Baghdadi’s demise — but also to keep its likely impact at home in perspective. “Strategically, it is a huge deal, it is a huge win, and I think people recognize that,” he said. “But most people would not have recognized al-Baghdadi, whereas Osama bin Laden held a singular place in the American psyche.” If those experts prove right, it will likely prove a disappointment to the president. Trump teased the demise of al-Baghdadi on Twitter on Saturday night before making the official announcement Sunday morning amid the pomp of the White House Diplomatic Reception Room. The New York Times reported that he hoped for it to become “a legacy-defining moment.” The president also reached for his most colorful language to descr... Link to the full article to read more

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