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The Memo: GOP schisms deepen as Trump impeachment pressure rises | TheHill

posted onOctober 24, 2019

Article snippet: Republican schisms over MORE are growing deeper as new details emerge about his actions on Ukraine and Democrats push hard for impeachment. Some Republicans on Capitol Hill are growing weary of defending Trump amid a blizzard of controversies — his de facto abandonment of the Kurds in northern Syria; his decision, swiftly reversed, to hold a Group of Seven (G-7) summit at his resort in Florida; and his likening of impeachment to “a lynching” in a Tuesday morning tweet. At the same time, other GOP lawmakers are keenly aware of the strong bond between Trump and Republican voters. Trump loyalists stormed a secure hearing room at the Capitol on Wednesday morning to protest impeachment. The most fervently pro-Trump members of Congress, such as Reps. MORE (R-N.C.), have vigorously attacked the impeachment process. For Trump and his allies, it is an existential battle where nothing is more important than holding the line.  “He's going to get impeached,” Trump’s former chief strategist Stephen Bannon acknowledged in a phone interview Wednesday afternoon. “But you have to make [Speaker Nancy] Pelosi’s vote as partisan as possible.” Bannon insisted that it was vital for Trump’s presidency that GOP votes for any impeachment resolution in the House should number “zero.” The former White House strategist, who was also chief executive of Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign in its final months, said there had to be a full-court press to ensure that retiring GOP House members wou... Link to the full article to read more

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