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Katie Hill Affairs, Nude Photos Threaten to Undermine Impeachment

posted onOctober 22, 2019

Article snippet: Last week, Red State published an explosive piece exposing that Hill had multiple simultaneous sexual relationships with at least two different staffers. At least one of them worked in her official congressional office, which is a plain-letter clear violation of the House’s rules for members, forbidding sexual relationships between members of Congress and their official office staff. The other was at least a campaign staffer, who is as of-yet-unidentified but may have been an official office staffer as well. Hill, who has been married to her now-estranged husband Kenny Heslep for years, brought a 22-year-old woman who was on her campaign staff into their marriage to create a three-way “throuple” relationship during her run for Congress in 2018. Red State’s Jennifer Van Laar reported: The piece includes several salacious photographs of the now-congresswoman with the female staffer, including one of the congresswoman in the nude brushing the young staffer’s hair. Apparently, according to the report, the congresswoman earlier this year ended the relationship with the female staffer and with her husband, saying she wanted to focus on her work. Red State’s story also uncovers that Hill allegedly had a separate intimate relationship with her legislative director Graham Kelly, a male staffer of hers who worked in her official congressional office. Van Laar wrote: According to the text messages reviewed, after Hill left the throuple Heslep was told ‘by numerous sources’ ... Link to the full article to read more

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