Article snippet: WASHINGTON — Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren said Monday she wants to boost spending on public schools, eliminate high-stakes testing, and end federal funding for charter school expansion as a part of a comprehensive education reform plan. Warren, who got her professional start as a public school teacher, released a plan in which she also promised if elected president to use federal funding as an incentive for more states to better integrate their schools — a move she said is crucial to achieving the best educational outcomes for all students. She added she would push states to dedicate more money per student to high-poverty school districts. “I believe in America’s public schools,” Warren wrote in the 17-page plan. “And I believe that every kid in America should have the same access to a high-quality public education — no matter where they live, the color of their skin, or how much money their parents make. We’re not living up to that promise.” In a wide-ranging effort to fund schools more adequately, Warren vowed in her latest detailed campaign plan to quadruple the primary source of federal funding for K-12 education — which works out to an additional $450 billion over the next 10 years. Warren said the increased spending would be paid for by her proposed 2 percent wealth tax on fortunes above $50 million. With a growing focus on high-stakes standardized testing, Warren argued that teachers are increasingly forced to teach to the test at the expense o... Link to the full article to read more