Article snippet: The ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee will introduce in the coming weeks a bill aimed at forcing the Trump administration to craft a comprehensive policy to deter Russian aggression, he said Tuesday. “Today, we are witnessing some of the most fundamental threats to our democratic values and to the cohesion of our alliances since the beginning of the post-World War II era. President Putin’s campaign to erode our institutions poses a genuine threat to our system of government and our way of life,” Rep. MORE (D-Wash.) said in a statement. “President Trump has only exacerbated this problem, belittling our allies and partners, embracing dictatorships and calling into question our collective security commitments. In this situation, Congress has a responsibility to do its utmost to push back against these dark trends.” The bill is the latest in lawmakers’ attempts to force Trump’s hand on Russia, with which he has expressed a desire to improve relations even as his campaign continues to be investigated for possible collusion. In the Senate, there have been efforts to attach Russia sanctions to an Iran sanctions bill. Smith’s bill, which he said he hopes will be folded into the upcoming annual defense policy bill, would require the Pentagon to develop and implement a comprehensive Russia strategy. The bill cites a slew of examples of Russian aggression, including its interference in the U.S. election, violations of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces... Link to the full article to read more
Top Armed Services Dem to propose bill to address Russian aggression | TheHill