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Trump calls on Turkey to broker ceasefire | TheHill

posted onOctober 15, 2019

Article snippet: MORE on Monday called on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to negotiate a ceasefire with Kurdish forces amid violence in the region precipitated by a U.S. withdrawal from northern Syria. Vice President Pence told reporters outside the White House that Trump “pressed [Erdoğan] very strongly” in a phone call earlier in the day to broker a ceasefire immediately. Pence will lead a delegation to Turkey in the coming days to help broker a settlement between Ankara and Kurdish forces, he added. “The president of the United States called on the president of Turkey to stop the invasion, to enact an immediate ceasefire and to begin negotiations with Kurdish forces in Syria,” said Pence, who was joined by Treasury Secretary MORE and national security adviser Robert O’Brien. Trump received a “firm commitment” that the Turks would not attack the Syrian city of Kobani, Pence said, where there is a significant concentration of Kurds. Pence said he and O’Brien would leave for Ankara “as quickly as possible.” He said newly announced sanctions would remain in place or “worsen” until Turkey “embraces an immediate ceasefire, stops the violence and agrees to negotiate a long-term settlement of the issues along the border.” A senior administration official later told reporters that Trump was confident a ceasefire could be reached following his call with Erdoğan. Trump also spoke with Gen. Mazloum Kobani, the top Kurdish general leading the Syrian Democratic Forces, officials said... Link to the full article to read more

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