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Trump Expresses Urgency to End 'Never Ending Wars' | Breitbart

posted onOctober 13, 2019

Article snippet: “These wars, they never end,” Trump said. “And we have to bring our great soldiers back from the never-ending wars.” The president spoke to his supporters at a Value Voter Summit in Washington, DC, acknowledging the difficulty of the ongoing conflict in Syria. Trump argued that the contested area in Syria was only about 22 miles of borderland in Turkey, and that the Kurds had been fighting the conflict for years. “Let them have their borders,” he said, referring to Turkey, “But I don’t think that our soldiers should be there for the next 50 years guarding a border between Turkey and Syria when we can’t guard our own borders at home.” The crowd applauded Trump’s remarks, especially when he reminded them that the Islamic State was defeated in the Middle East. “We killed ISIS, we did our job, we have to go home,” he said, as the crowd applauded. Trump revealed he was ready to withdraw troops from the Middle East when ISIS was only 98 percent defeated, but that the foreign policy establishment was highly critical of the idea. “The military-industrial complex came down on me, so I went to get 100 percent,” he said. Trump was critical of his “Washington generals” for their repeated assertions that certain conflicts in the Middle East would be wrapped up soon. “They’re overrated,” he said, praising instead the generals who were actually deployed overseas. Trump said he frequently felt alone in his fight to bring the troops home, but felt that he was on the right path. “... Link to the full article to read more

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