Article snippet: Kevin McAleenan would step down from his position. “Kevin McAleenan has done an outstanding job as Acting Secretary of Homeland Security. We have worked well together with Border Crossings being way down," tweeted Trump, who tapped McAleenan to lead the department earlier this year. "Kevin now, after many years in Government, wants to spend more time with his family and go to the private sector,” Trump tweeted. “Congratulations Kevin, on a job well done!” Trump said that he will announce McAleenan’s successor next week, adding: “Many wonderful candidates!” Trump named McAleenan the department’s acting chief in April after MORE's resignation. McAleenan was never nominated for the position full-time, and his eventual successor will require Senate confirmation. McAleenan recently accompanied Trump on a tour of a section of border wall outside of San Diego, Calif. But he was viewed with skepticism by hard-line immigration advocates inside and outside the administration, and he acknowledged in a recent interview with The Washington Post that he had been unable to control the message emanating from his agency. “I think the words matter a lot,” McAleenan said. “If you alienate half of your audience by your use of your terminology, it’s going to hamper your ability to ever win an argument.” Some of his critics accused McAleenan of leaking information ahead of planned immigration raids earlier this year that forced the operation to be postponed. He denied the allegation... Link to the full article to read more