Article snippet: The primary pits incumbent Democrat Gov. John Bel Edwards against Republican Rep. Ralph Abraham (R-LA) and Republican businessman Eddie Rispone. Edwards has been hovering in recent polls just a few points under the 50 percent majority he will need to avoid a November runoff election against Saturday’s second place finisher. Abraham and Rispone have been jockeying for the second spot, with both registering between 20 percent and 25 percent in recent polls. President Trump has been attacking Edwards vigorously in recent days, portraying him as another Democrat in lockstep with the impeachment inquiry announced two weeks ago by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). On Tuesday, White House Counsel Pat Cippolone sent a powerful letter to Pelosi, calling the inquiry an illegal and unconstitutional violation of the president’s due process rights. For his part, Edwards has attempted to deflect the president’s attacks while avoiding a direct confrontation, as The Advocate reported on Friday: The Washington Post noted that Edwards’ efforts to avoid a runoff may fall short: Early voting results suggest that the impeachment inquiry has created massive increases in Republican and Independent turnout, as Breitbart News reported on Sunday: “Republican turnout volume is up 84%, while Independent turnout is up 80% and Democratic turnout is up 36%,” JMC Analytics concluded. On election eve, the question of whether Edwards will surpass the 50 percent margin needed to avoid a ru... Link to the full article to read more
Louisiana Gubernatorial 'Jungle Primary' Tests Impeachment | Breitbart