Article snippet: WASHINGTON — Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren released a plan Wednesday calling for environmental justice in responding to climate change, proposing steps to reduce what she called the disproportionate effect that pollution has on low-income and minority communities. Warren, who has made the fight against climate change a key to her Democratic presidential campaign, said a “just transition” to clean energy as outlined in the Green New Deal has to happen by “prioritizing communities that have experienced historic disinvestment.” She cited studies indicating that toxic waste sites, landfills, congested highways, and other sources of pollution hit harder in places such as predominantly black and Latino neighborhoods. Warren would direct the Environmental Protection Agency to extensively map which communities are most vulnerable to the effects of climate change so federal clean air and water rules can be adjusted, and she promised to hold an environmental justice summit within her first 100 days in office. She would also direct one-third of a proposed climate investment under the Green New Deal into communities most at risk of adverse environmental effects, which she said would equal at least $1 trillion over the next decade. “We didn’t get here by accident,” Warren said in the 12-page plan. “Our crisis of environmental injustice is the result of decades of discrimination and environmental racism compounding in communities that have been overlooked for too lon... Link to the full article to read more