Article snippet: MIT researcher Alexander Agadjanian published his latest research in the New York Times, where he revealed that swing voters likely are six percentage points less likely to vote for a Democrat against President Trump in the 2020 election after learning of the leftist policy positions they have embraced. Agadjanian surveyed nearly 4,000 voters, showing half of them headlines where 2020 Democrats have endorsed decriminalizing illegal immigration, giving free healthcare to illegal aliens, ending private health insurance, and providing free college tuition for applicants. The other half were shown headlines on general 2020 Democrat primary news, like when scheduled debates and townhalls are to occur. From there, the research found swing voters are less likely to vote for a Democrat when they learn of their policy proposals: Likewise, the research found that there is no increase in mobilization to vote in the 2020 election for Democrat voters who learned of the candidates’ endorsement of leftist policies. “Democrats who read about the leftward positions did not indicate they were more motivated to vote and campaign for the eventual nominee than those who hadn’t read about them,” Agadjanian notes. As Breitbart News has chronicled, 2020 Democrats such as former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) have endorsed some of the least popular policy positions in the Democrat primary. For example, the most recent Wall Street Jo... Link to the full article to read more
MIT Researcher: Swing Voters Repelled by Dems' Open Borders Agenda