Article snippet: After months of calling for MORE’s impeachment, his critics on the left are now agitating for the process to move as quickly as possible. Democrats are trying to keep up their momentum after the overwhelming majority of the caucus backed launching impeachment proceedings this week in light of Trump acknowledging that he urged Ukraine’s leader to investigate former Vice President MORE, a potential 2020 rival. Democratic leaders aren’t offering a specific timeline for impeachment proceedings, which were officially launched on Tuesday, but liberals are pressing to keep a fast pace on allegations they believe are the most clear-cut for the public to understand to date. Congress is now in a two-week recess, with most lawmakers headed back to their districts, despite calls from progressive activists to cancel the break so they could “immediately” get to work on impeachment. House Intelligence Committee Chairman MORE (D-Calif.) said he plans for the panel to work through the recess trying to secure documents and witness interviews. The ongoing investigation means that the House is likely still weeks away from drafting and voting on articles of impeachment. But Democrats feel that the nature of Trump’s actions of withholding hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign aid while asking for the Biden probe — and underlying documents, including the rough transcript of the call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and the whistleblower complaint — will be simple to ex... Link to the full article to read more