Article snippet: Then evidence surfaces revealing Mr. Trump’s earnest effort to confront a foreign government and pressure them to investigate and turn over information about their meddling in the 2016 elections. Now Democrats want to impeach Mr. Trump for that. Talk about getting “tired of winning.” So. Much. Winning. And, of course, the whole reason Democrats are so glued to this idea of impeaching Mr. Trump is that they look at their current field of candidates for 2020 and realize that Mr. Trump is on the verge of getting re-elected. That much winning really might just put Democrats over the edge, if by then there are still any edges left for them to go over. Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire testified before the House “intelligence” committee about Mr. Trump’s effort to look into foreign meddling in the 2016 election. The whole thing quickly devolved into another comical farce when Rep. Adam B. Schiff, California Democrat and “intelligence” chairman, kicked off the hearing by setting aside the just-released transcript of the telephone call between Mr. Trump and the president of Ukraine. He chose instead to read an entirely made up, fraudulent and fabricated transcript of a call that never occurred. And these people wonder why nobody takes them seriously. They are confused about why American citizens have such disdain for these people and their ridiculous antics. Mr. Schiff was later forced to explain his fabricated accusations. “My summary of the presid... Link to the full article to read more