Article snippet: Speaker MORE escalates the tensions between the parties — and marks a huge gamble by House Democrats heading into the high-stakes 2020 elections. While the strategy has quickly invigorated the party’s liberal base, it’s also empowered GOP attacks that Democrats are attempting to nullify the results of the 2016 presidential election through an impeachment process that remains underwater in national opinion polls. Some moderate Democrats on Capitol Hill are sounding a warning that, by launching head-first into impeachment, party leaders risk alienating voters in the very districts they most need to keep in order to retain the House next year — the same concern Pelosi harbored for months in initially resisting that divisive step. “This is going to suck up the oxygen in the room,” said freshman Rep. Jefferson Van Drew (D-N.J.), who pointed to Watergate and the impeachment of MORE as historic examples of how the process can quickly devour the nation’s attention — at the expense of legislative priorities. “It is the focus of the media; it is the focus of the legislature; it is the focus of just about everybody in Washington,” added Van Drew, who represents a district Trump won by 4.6 points in 2016. “So I am concerned that it will, in some way, take us away from the real business at hand, which are pocketbook issues for the people of our districts. “You really are opening Pandora’s Box.” Many Democrats — including top leaders — are dismissing the notion that the party’... Link to the full article to read more
Centrist Democrats fret over impeachment gamble | TheHill