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Senate GOP vows to quash impeachment articles | TheHill

posted onSeptember 25, 2019

Article snippet: Senate Republicans are vowing to quickly quash any articles of impeachment that pass the House and warn that Democrats will feel a political backlash if they go forward and impeach MORE. Republican senators say there are no grounds to impeach Trump and are daring Speaker MORE (D-Calif.) to embark on what they dismiss as a fool’s errand that will turn off swing voters. “My response to them is go hard or go home,” said Sen. MORE (R-La.), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which has jurisdiction over impeachment.  “If you want to impeach him, stop talking. Do it. Do it. Go to Amazon, buy a spine and do it. And let’s get after it.” “I think the public will feel like it’s more harassment,” he predicted. Republicans say that impeachment will boomerang on Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader MORE (D-N.Y.), who have tried to resist pressure from the left to impeach Trump for more than a year. Senate Republican Whip MORE (S.D.) warned that Democrats are embarking on a politically perilous journey. “It’s a risky strategy on their part. I know they’re under a lot of pressure to do it, but if you’re the leadership over there, you got to think long and hard about what the implications are if it looks like you’re overreaching,” he said. Senate Republicans on Tuesday argued there is no basis for impeachment, especially after Trump pledged to release an unredacted transcript of his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Sen. MORE (R-Iowa), a senior member ... Link to the full article to read more

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