Article snippet: Like his predecessor, MORE’s new national security adviser is known for advocating for a robust American presence abroad, but Robert O’Brien’s allies predict he will take a less confrontational approach to the role. O’Brien, who until Wednesday was serving as the State Department’s top hostage negotiator, has been thrust into a decidedly more high-profile job that comes with many challenges — chief among them adjusting to Trump’s unconventional management style and finding a way to influence the president in a way that doesn’t alienate him. Some who know O’Brien say he and ousted abruptly on Sept. 10 after disagreements with Trump that often broke out into the public eye. “You’re not going to see him on Fox News every weekend or every day. He’s going to be the type of person who is going to be advising Trump behind the scenes and giving him options on whatever national security challenges that are out there,” said Harry Kazianis, a senior director at the Center for the National Interest who has known and worked with O’Brien for roughly a decade. “He’s not going to walk into this, and if the president makes a decision that he doesn’t like, he’s not going to try to sabotage it. He’s going to be that loyal soldier that does whatever the president asks of him,” Kazianis said. O’Brien’s more bellicose foreign policy positions could in some areas put him at odds with Trump, who has pushed an “America first” agenda and supports the withdrawal of U.S. troops from conflic... Link to the full article to read more