Article snippet: Their participation follows weeks of climate change alarmism from the presidential candidates, many of whom have signaled support for limiting beef consumption in order to combat what they say is a looming climate catastrophe. According to reports, organizers were prepared to grill roughly 10,500 steaks plus 1,000 vegan burgers. Seventeen candidates attended the event, including: Their participation follows weeks of climate change alarmism from presidential candidates and activists across the globe. Several of the presidential hopefuls have floated limiting beef consumption – particularly, in recent weeks. Yang told the audience at CNN’s 7-hour climate change town hall this month that “it’s good for the environment, it’s good for your health if you eat less meat.” “I think it would be healthy on both an individual and a societal level for us to move in that direction,” he said. Klobuchar also signaled support of reshaping dietary guidelines to reduce beef consumption, as did Harris, who said the government should find the balance between creating incentives and banning “certain behaviors.” As Breitbart News reported: In August, Sanders signaled that he would consider a “meat tax” in order to help combat climate change. “Germany has imposed a meat tax in hopes of limiting this consumption,” a woman at a Q&A session at a town hall event in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, said. “What are your plans to stop these large corporations from further usurping natural res... Link to the full article to read more
10,500 Steaks at Dem Steak Fry Despite Meat Consumption Concerns