Article snippet: Sen. MORE's report. “After the Mueller report, Congress had a duty to begin impeachment. By failing to act, Congress is complicit in Trump’s latest attempt to solicit foreign interference to aid him in US elections,” Warren tweeted. “Do your constitutional duty and impeach the president.” The tweet came after reports that emerged Friday revealing that Trump asked the president of Ukraine during a July phone call to investigate the son of Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President MORE. “A president is sitting in the Oval Office, right now, who continues to commit crimes. He continues because he knows his Justice Department won't act and believes Congress won’t either. Today’s news confirmed he thinks he’s above the law. If we do nothing, he’ll be right,” said Warren. Trump has called for an investigation into Biden’s ties to Ukraine during his time as vice president. Republicans have criticized his 2016 efforts to have the Ukrainian president dismiss a prosecutor who was investigating a natural gas company owned by a Ukrainian oligarch, whose board members included his son, Hunter. No evidence has emerged to suggest Biden acted to protect his son. But it is Trump’s connection to Ukraine that have been under harsh scrutiny in recent days over a whistleblower complaint from someone in the intelligence community that reportedly details a troubling "promise" the president made to a foreign leader. It was later reported that the whistleblower’s clai... Link to the full article to read more
Warren: Congress is 'complicit' with Trump 'by failing to act' | TheHill