Article snippet: Posted at 9:32 pm on June 11, 2017 by Jay Caruso For those who are old enough to remember, there was a prank caller duo in the early 90’s called “The Jerky Boys.” Long before the internet went mainstream, people got ahold of The Jerky Boys famous tapes from a friend. You’d record it and pass it along to another friend. The two played various characters when making the calls including one named Sol Rosenberg. In one episode, Sol wants to sue for “punitive damages” and even threatens to sue the lawyer he’s talking to about the “case.” The lawyer is incredulous and asks, “Sue me? You want to sue me?” and Sol responds, “Sue everybody!” With the talk coming from Donald Trump’s attorney about Robert Mueller, it appears Trump has a mindset of, “Fire everybody!” From The Week: What is President Trump going to do? Have Mueller over for an intimate dinner and ask Mueller about loyalty? Then there’s this: How is it unprecedented? Comey had to speak with somebody before testifying to make clear what he could and could not talk about in an open session. Does Sekulow think Comey should have spoken to Jeff Sessions? Sessions recused himself. What about Rod Rosenstein? Right, Comey should talk to the guy who recommended his termination? Naturally, Comey spoke directly with Robert Mueller. It was the only reasonable choice Comey had at that point. As for Mueller, keep in mind that Trump fired Comey because he wasn’t meeting Trump’s definition of “loyalty” by going out and pla... Link to the full article to read more