Article snippet: WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats’ first hearing in what they are calling an impeachment investigation quickly turned sour on Tuesday as their sole witness, former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, refused to answer most of their questions. Lewandowski was following White House orders not to discuss confidential conversations with the president beyond what was already public in former special counsel Robert Mueller’s report. As the hearing began, Lewandowski — a devoted friend and supporter of the Republican president — demanded that Democrats provide him a copy of the report, sending Democratic staff scrambling to find one. Lewandowski then just read directly from report, making it clear that he wouldn’t say much beyond what Mueller wrote. Republicans on the panel then forced a series of procedural votes, immediately sending the hearing into disarray. ‘‘He’s filibustering,’’ a frustrated Nadler said. The hearing is the latest in a series of hurdles the committee has faced as they try to investigate Trump. Mueller himself testified this summer, with no bombshells. Two other witnesses who were subpoenaed alongside Lewandowski — former White House aides Rick Dearborn and Rob Porter — won’t show up at all, on orders from the White House. It also underscores what has been a central dilemma for House Democrats all year — they have promised to investigate Trump, aggressively, and many of their base supporters want them to move quickly to try to remove him from offic... Link to the full article to read more