Article snippet: The Democratic clash over “Medicare for All” is highlighting perhaps the biggest question for 2020 primaries: Who has the best chance of beating MORE? Some top Democrats are warning that the full-scale version of Medicare for All pushed by Sens. MORE (D-Mass.) would be a liability in the general election, repelling swing voters worried about losing their private health insurance under the proposal or seeing their taxes rise in order to pay for it. But progressives counter that the “safe” approach counseled by the Democratic establishment has failed in the past, most notably in 2016 with former Secretary of State MORE, and that bold proposals are needed to energize voters. Rahm Emanuel, former President Obama’s first White House chief of staff, gave voice to that debate Sept. 8 on ABC’s “This Week,” calling Medicare for All “an untenable position for the general election” because of its elimination of private health insurance. “I just biked around Lake Michigan, nearly 1,000 miles, through Michigan and Wisconsin, two really important states,” he said. “Nobody at a diner ran at me and said, ‘Take my health care away.’” Progressives view Emanuel and other like-minded individuals as being out of touch with the current direction of the party. “People that have been schooled in the ways of Washington for decades think that arguments rooted in trying to scare people about the potential of losing what they’ve got right now is politically powerful,” said Neil Sroka, commu... Link to the full article to read more
Democrats spar over electoral appeal of 'Medicare for All' | TheHill