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Trump Celebrates ‘Historic Milestone’ of 150th Judge Confirmed

posted onSeptember 15, 2019

Article snippet: The Republican-led Senate confirmed Trump’s 150th judicial nominee on Wednesday– a significant milestone that continues to fill one of the president’s key campaign promises of putting Constitutional conservative judges in the courts. According to the Washington Times: The Times notes that Trump’s judicial confirmations surpass those of Obama’s– “who only saw 20 circuit court nominees and 74 district court judges confirmed during the same period of time.” Trump celebrated the news on Twitter, calling it a “historic milestone” and “amazing”: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) also released a celebratory statement last week. “I’m very pleased that the Senate has confirmed 150 federal judges thus far in President Trump’s first term. This is a historic milestone,” Graham wrote. “As Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I will continue to push through highly qualified, conservative judges at all levels of the federal courts,” he continued. “These conservative judicial appointments will impact our nation for years to come,” he added. Link to the full article to read more

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