Article snippet: MORE as his national security adviser on Tuesday, sending Washington reeling with a particularly messy staff breakup. Trump in a series of tweets said he told Bolton on Monday night that his services were “no longer needed at the White House,” adding pointedly that he “strongly disagreed with many of his suggestions, as did others in the administration.” The content of the tweets and the manner in which Trump dismissed with Bolton pointed to the harsh feelings between the two sides. The president said Bolton submitted his resignation Tuesday, but the ex-aide offered a different accounting, writing on Twitter minutes after Trump that he had offered to resign Monday and that the president had responded that they should “talk about it” Tuesday. The break-up came days after Trump stunned Washington with the news that he had canceled a planned meeting with the Taliban at Camp David to discuss peace overtures in Afghanistan. Bolton reportedly disagreed vehemently with the decision to invite the people who gave shelter to Osama bin Laden to Camp David days before the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Democrats, who disagreed with the hawkish Bolton on most points, pounced on his firing as the latest sign of instability in Trump’s foreign policy. Senate Minority Leader MORE (D-N.Y.), who expressed concerns over Bolton’s appointment last year, called his ouster “just the latest example of [Trump's] government-by-chaos approach and his rudderless natio... Link to the full article to read more