Article snippet: (Want to get this briefing by email? Here’s the sign-up.) Good morning. Here’s what you need to know: • In France, President Emmanuel Macron’s upstart movement won a solid victory in the first round of parliamentary elections, dealing another blow to traditional parties. Mr. Macron had recruited a roster of newcomers to politics, including Hervé Berville, above, a 27-year-old survivor of Rwanda’s genocide who won the most votes in his Breton constituency. But turnout was the lowest in recent history. Few candidates passed the 50 percent threshold allowing them to avoid a second round of voting on Sunday. Among those facing a second-round vote: Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the far-right and far-left candidates who lost to Mr. Macron, and Manuel Valls, the former prime minister. _____ • In Britain, Prime Minister Theresa May announced a reshuffled cabinet, as she faces calls to resign after her Conservatives lost their majority in Parliament last week. Though she asked Michael Gove, a key “Brexit” advocate, to join her cabinet, Mrs. May’s chastened government is likely to strike a less confrontational approach to Europe. Mrs. May seeks to continue to govern with the support of the Democratic Unionist Party, a socially conservative party from Northern Ireland. Her two top aides resigned under pressure. Jeremy Corbyn of the Labour Party benefited from a high turnout of younger voters in last week’s election, many of whom opposed leaving the European Union. _... Link to the full article to read more