Article snippet: Democrats are holding a full court press to sway Trump, including making appeals to his ego. Senate Minority Leader “We implore you to seize this moment when your leadership and influence over Republicans in Congress on the issue of guns is so critical. ... We believe you have a unique opportunity to save American lives by giving political cover to your fellow Republicans to finally pass meaningful gun safety legislation,” the two wrote in the letter. Democrats also rallied off the Senate floor on Monday to warn that Republicans would face steep political consequences if they do not approve universal background checks. “Some of the gun violence prevention groups have upped the ante even further to say that if this bill is not passed, Democrats believe they have public support on their side and were backed up by new polls released on Monday. A Washington Post–ABC News poll found that 89 percent of Americans, including 83 percent of Republicans, support requiring background checks for all potential gun buyers. A Monmouth University Poll found that 83 percent of Americans back comprehensive background checks for all purchases, including 72 percent of Republicans. But public support for expanding background checks for gun sales hasn’t yet led to a shift among congressional Republicans, who have lined up for years in opposition to gun reform legislation. The House-passed universal background checks bill has stalled in the Senate, where no Republican has sign... Link to the full article to read more
Democrats play to Trump's ego on guns | TheHill