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A Kennedy-Markey primary could draw millions away from other Democratic candidates - The Boston Globe

posted onSeptember 9, 2019

Article snippet: As Democrats scramble to retain their narrow House majority and gain control of the Senate in 2020, a potential primary between Senator Ed Markey and Representative Joseph P. Kennedy III could divert tens of millions of dollars in campaign contributions away from competitive congressional races against Republicans around the country. A high-stakes Massachusetts primary also would make it highly unlikely that Markey and Kennedy could funnel as much of their own campaign cash to other candidates as they have in the past and hinder the ability of Kennedy, a sought-after speaker because of his legendary last name, to headline Democratic fund-raising events around the country. Analysts said the loss of money wouldn’t be a major blow to Democrats’ 2020 efforts, but certainly wouldn’t help in what is expected to be a difficult battle with Republicans for control of Congress. “The most frustrating thing about any primary is that it sucks resources from candidates in competitive races elsewhere,” said Steve Israel, former chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which works to elect Democrats to the House. A primary forces incumbents who are in safely Democratic or Republican seats to horde their money instead of giving it to candidates in more competitive races, Israel said. “Bottom line, every dollar that’s spent on a primary in a blue or a red state is a dollar less for candidates who need it in purple states,” he said. Kennedy, 38, a four-term con... Link to the full article to read more

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