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Poll: Increasing Immigration is Most Unpopular 2020 Political Position

posted onSeptember 5, 2019

Article snippet: The latest Harvard/Harris Poll finds that 2020 presidential candidates who want to increase overall immigration to the U.S. — while the country already admits 1.5 million foreign nationals every year — are the least likely to win over American voters. When all U.S. voters were asked which position would make them the most unlikely to vote for a 2020 presidential candidate, “opening our borders to many more immigrants” topped the list with 64 percent. Increasing immigration was the top most unpopular position among swing voters, with 66 percent saying they would be unlikely to vote for a 2020 presidential candidate who favors such a policy. Wanting more immigration to the U.S. was also the most unpopular position among Republican voters, conservatives, Trump supporters, voters who identify as “moderates,” white voters, American men, voters without a college degree, rural voters, and suburban voters. Even among Hispanic voters and black Americans, increasing immigration was the second most unpopular position a 2020 presidential candidate could take — just after increasing taxes to pay for social programs. Likewise, American voters are nearly unanimously opposed to giving illegal aliens the right to vote, as some left-wing communities have implemented. San Fransisco’s Department of Education, for example, started allowing non-citizens to vote in citywide school board elections last year. The vast majority of Americans, 85 percent, said they oppose such a policy, inc... Link to the full article to read more

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