Article snippet: Last month, Chinese officials announced that they would be retaliating against the U.S. by imposing five to ten percent tariffs on $75 billion worth of American goods — a response to Trump imposing new tariffs on $300 billion worth of Chinese products in September and December. After the news, Trump demanded American companies move their production out of China and back home to the U.S. The latest Harvard/Harris Poll finds that American voters are overwhelmingly supportive of the U.S. confronting China on trade, even if they believe the country is taking economic hits for doing so. A total of about 67 percent of voters said it is “necessary” for the U.S. to confront China on trade, while only 33 percent said it is “unnecessary.” Nearly seven-in-ten swing voters said confronting China on trade is necessary, as well as 50 percent of Democrat voters, 86 percent of Republican voters, and 66 percent of moderates. In addition, eight-in-ten voters said the trade issues with China must be fixed now rather than put off in order to not rock the boat. This includes about 82 percent of swing voters who said they support fixing U.S.-China trade issues now rather than later. The support for fighting China on trade comes even as American voters believe it is the U.S., more than China, that is being hurt by Trump’s tariffs, but support for the tariffs on Chinese imports remains. Despite China’s economy this year slowing to the weakest growth rate since 1992, about 63 percent of ... Link to the full article to read more
Poll: 2-in-3 U.S. Voters Say 'Necessary' for Trump to Fight China on Trade